Email List Growth
To maximize email list growth, we implemented numerous ways to for users to submit emails on the site, regardless of their page and stage of the buying experience.
First, we implemented a sitewide email signup flyout with a discount code that was triggered after a certain time delay. This delay ensured visitors were able to orient themselves and were not immediately interrupted by an offer, which can be irritating and lead to increased bounce rates. In addition to this flyout capture, we embedded a capture directly on the home page, near the bottom, to capture emails of engaged users that had high purchase intent. Finally, we implemented a full-page, exit-intent email capture to present a compelling offer to visitors who were leaving the site. Once these pieces were in place, we A/B tested almost every aspect – timing, design, copy, call to action, etc. – to increase sign up percentages from each capture on the site.
Email Automation & Segmentation
It’s critical to send the right message, to the right person, at the right time. Once email flows are properly implemented, tested, and optimized, they generate money consistently and in the background. That’s the power of automation and segmentation. We started with the low hanging fruit, setting up an abandoned cart email flow. This targets people who were very close to converting, they just needed the right encouragement. The goal was to send friendly reminders while establishing trust to alleviate any concerns they might have (i.e. payment security, refund/return guarantees, testimonials, press mentions, specific selling points for different products, etc.). We created segments for new and returning purchasers so that we could approach these two groups differently based on their previous behavior. The flow finished with a discount code to push them over the edge in case price was the issue.
Next, weimplemented a welcome flow for people signing up to the newsletter for first time. These emails served to educate the customer on the brand’s values and unique selling propositions, relieve points of concern, highlight best-selling products, and more. We then added additional flows like post-purchase (educational content to help customers get the most out of a product they ordered, upsell complimentary products, ask for feedback, etc.), winback (to reach people who had not purchased in 180+ days), and browse abandonement (people who viewed products but did not purchase).
Email Campaigns
In addition to these automated email flows, we also created campaigns every month in order to provide value and drive sales on a consistent basis. We was careful to balance the calendar between content emails (helpful tips, education, news, etc.) and sales (flash sales, holiday sales, black friday and cyber monday, and periodic sales on certain collections). We sent an average of three emails per week. It was important to make sure the content we were sending was valuable and engaging in order to keep unsubscribe rates low. One way we did this was through interactive emails designed to get replies. This served a dual purpose; it’s a fun engagement for customers, and it sends a positive signal to internet service providers (ISPs) that your emails belong in the inbox, not the spam folder. The campaigns and flows used a healthy mix of live text and imagery to look visually appealing while increasing deliverability.
Shopify revenue attributed to email
Average year-over-year growth in email-attributed revenue
Matthias Hug
Return on Novix’s investment achieved in just one month after our initial overhaul
Shopify revenue attributed to email and SMS
Increase in flow revenue after implementing our overhaul
WBS’s average return on investment for our monthly retainer
Increase in total email revenue
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